condoleanceregister van

Yasser Arafat

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ina lilahi wa ilayhi raji3oen

moge allah al zijn gebeden en doua\'s verhoren,en rusten in de hemel..
Nounja - Weesp
12 november 2004
condoleance 57  |  
What a relieve that the terrorist is dead
Just hope that Israel will now fight the evil of the Islam without mercy.
OSBFL - Heimat
12 november 2004
condoleance 56  |  
To the proud people of Palestine, to the millions of refugees abroad. you have lost a compassionate leader, a man who placed Palestine back on to the world map. My condolances and strength to all of you in this difficult period.
L.Hart - Amsterdam
12 november 2004
condoleance 55  |  
Violette Wisch
Moge hij rusten in vrede en laat zijn dood mensen tot nadenken aanzetten om eindelijk eens serieus te werken aan het conflict tussen de Palestijnen en de Israeli\'s...
Violette Wisch - Groningen
12 november 2004
condoleance 54  |  
Alexandra Haman
Life is strange
Life is bitter
Living with the knowledge that others suffer
While you are happy
Should make you think
About the way
Life is divided

Living in luxury and wealth
Should make you feel guilty
And wonder
How it comes
That all the good things
Are yours
While others have nothing
To live for
While others should pray
To die
Instead of living the life
That was imposed on them
By people who wanted
The best in life for themselves

Life should be easy
Life should be honest
Towards all the living on this planet
If honesty was the keyword
To guarantee life
Life would be different
For us all

May one day youre People live in Peace in their homeland, as they do in mine where Churches, Mosks and Synagoges are located next to each other, and people respect each other.
In Surinam we have find the way to do so, so it is possible.
Alexandra Haman - Den Haag
12 november 2004
condoleance 53  |  
Said Ait Baidouss
Said Ait Baidouss - Rotterdam
12 november 2004
condoleance 52  |  
Hans van der woude
I\'d like to offer my condolances to the Palestinian People and I hope you will succeed in creating a independant and viable state.
Hans van der woude - Den Haag
12 november 2004
condoleance 51  |  
Ik denk dat het zo beter voor het Midden Oosten is
Ruud - Haren
12 november 2004
condoleance 50  |  
My condoleances to the family of mister Arafat, and all the Palestinians. No matter what people thought of him, he did his best to make peace. He was a great leader. He will be mist. Mister Arafat, rest in peace
Hetty - Zwolle
12 november 2004
condoleance 49  |  
Necmetdin Karademir
Hierbij wil ik de familieleden en landgenoten condoleren met de dood van een ware leider.
Moge hij rusten in vrede.
Necmetdin Karademir - Arnhem
12 november 2004
condoleance 48  |  
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