condoleanceregister van

Steve Jobs

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RIP Steve
Marise - Z'meer
6 oktober 2011
condoleance 67  |  
Kom goed thuis Steve
Anke - Roosendaal
6 oktober 2011
condoleance 66  |  
Rob Coenen
De man achter het succes van Apple, de iPod, iPhone, iTunes, iPad.
Een slimme man die met zijn geniale ideeën de wereld blij maakte, de man die hard werkte voor zijn baan.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs
Rob Coenen - Roggel
6 oktober 2011
condoleance 65  |  
Theo Janson
Dear Steve, it is upsetting and disturbing to hear this news. You have been The Man behind that great company.
I find it hard to believe you're gone. We all knew the end was near, and still it hits like a ton of bricks. What else can one say at this moment. I wish the Jobs family strength during these difficult times. To us Steve was an inventor, a man who inspired many. To his family he was a husband and a dad. Steve, rest in peace.
Theo Janson - Danville, California USA
6 oktober 2011
condoleance 64  |  
My condolences to your family. You were so unique in so many ways. There is so mucht to thank you for.
And you were too young to go also. Your family will miss you a lot . I wish them all a lot of strength the coming time
and may we see one another later in a better place. To you Steve, I will say, you may rest now, I hope you wil rest in peace and we will meet you later.
Anja - Rotterdam
6 oktober 2011
condoleance 63  |  
Much to young!
It's not fair!
Rest in Peace!
E.T. - Utrecht
6 oktober 2011
condoleance 62  |  
Ron Odekerken
Een groot man wat mens wist te blijven.
Tijdends de vele ziektes kwam hij iedere keer weer terug.
Zwarte coltrui en jeans.
Met Apple bracht hij mensen tot elkaar.
God , ontvang Steve, en laat steun over vrouw, kinderen en applefamilie

Steve thanks...
Ron Odekerken - Kerkrade NL
6 oktober 2011
condoleance 61  |  
Jos vd Tillaard
Thank you Steve Jobs. You made this world a beautifuller place. You left a mark on my desk and in my life.
Jos vd Tillaard - Eindhoven
6 oktober 2011
condoleance 60  |  
Danielle Kersten
My condoleances for the family and friends!
To young...... but I'll hope you rest in Peace!
Danielle Kersten - Hoevelaken
6 oktober 2011
condoleance 59  |  
Jean Wertz
RIP Steve

You made the impossible, possible,
Jean Wertz - Heythuysen
6 oktober 2011
condoleance 58  |  
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